
香港商用航空中心領導區內公務機營運基地發展, 並提供多元化的就業機會。不論你是希望開展多元且具挑戰性事業的職場新鮮人,或是找尋發展增值機會的專業人士,在這裡均能找到合適的機會。


香港商用航空中心以地區性公務機營運基地的領導機構自居。航空業舞台上一般/商用航機領域業務持續增長,吸引了不少積極而充滿熱誠的人才加入。香港商用航空中心明白人才是機構最寶貴的資產。為了讓業務不斷進步,我們決意打造一個人人平等受尊重的工作環境,為員工提供發揮空間並表現自己最好一面的機會,同時令香港商用航空中心能將服務標準維持在最高水平。此外,香港商用航空中心非常重視團隊合作,以及紮根於我們的營運哲學裡的座右銘 — 成功培養成功 (Success breeds success)。


  • 團隊合作是我們在香港商用航空中心 的核心價值。全賴每天一起工作、充滿拼勁的團隊,我們能夠隨時應對急速的改變及所面對的挑戰。

    Kico Yu助理經理 - 營運控制中心
  • 我以一名助理的身份加入香港商用航空中心,隨後升任為業務代表及經理,現在已成為服務經理。香港商用航空中心為我提供機會,讓我可以嘗試新事物,並認識不同人士。每一天都很不一樣。我很感恩能夠擁有這樣的仕途,讓我能在這裡成長、發揮潛能,並每天挑戰自己更進一步。

    Evita Tsui顧客服務經理
  • 我覺得在這裡工作的時間過得很快。對比三年前加入香港商用航空中心大家庭的時候,我覺得自己改變了很多。無論任何天氣,我們每天都要為不同機種提供不同服務,每天都好像是全新的挑戰和體驗,但我的同伴仍會毫無保留地與我分享他們的知識、經驗及技巧。幸得他們以及學習規劃,我一直堅信在這裡就能發揮自己的最好一面,並挑戰不同領域。

    Leo Ho高級航線服務技術員



  • 雙糧

  • 花紅

  • 交通津貼及輪班津貼

  • 醫療及牙科福利

  • 有系統的全面培訓課程

  • 員工休閒活動

  • 長期服務獎

  • 傑出表現獎

  • 生日假期及結婚假期等

  • 進修資助


我們理解在機場工作可能要承受很大的壓力。因此,多年來我們均非常努力並投放不少資源,希望令員工工作與私人生活能達致平衡。這非常重要,因為我們視員工為主要的持份者;而作為僱主,我們有義務要照顧我們的員工。公司每年都會舉辦不同活動讓員工參與 — 如遠足、員工聚會、周年晚會、義工慈善服務等運動休閒活動。




  • 推行為社會帶來正面影響的政策與做法;

  • 確保自己是關注員工的需要與價值觀的僱主;並

  • 與持份者及大眾建立健康、真誠互信的關係。


2012 年起,我們展開了自己的實習生計劃,我們重點希望培養未來的經理級人才及領袖,切合並協助業務發展需要。為期兩年的計劃為實習生提供業務上所有主要範圍的學習機會,包括客戶服務、後勤部門、運作中心,以及其他支援職能。主要希望能為實習生提供具體、充實及深入的培訓,例如技術上的技巧、與人相處的技巧及處理工作計劃的經驗。除了實務上的培訓,我們亦設有導師計劃 (Mentorship Programme),確保實習生在事業發展上能獲得更多指導。完成計劃後,實習生一般會晉升至主管級職位,負責基本管理職務。




除了香港商用航空中心的實習計劃外,我們還參與多項外部計劃,包括ITC STEM實習計劃、HKIAA實習計劃、海事和航空實習計劃、IVE實習計劃等。

袁子卓 – STEM 实习计划 2022-2023下的資訊科技部門实习生




  • Officer – Guest Relations
    Job Duties:
    • Provide premium customer services at Concierge counter and Executive Lounge, such as seating planning, serve F&B and handle luggage in accordance with the set standards

    • Response to customers’ enquiries promptly and courteously

    • To be familiar with frequent customers and provide tailored experience based on their personal needs

    • Perform safe and professional driving duties for guests and crew members. Shuttle personnel to designated locations at airside/landside to support daily operations (*it is applicable to staff possessing driving license only)

    • Maintain free flow of customers in Executive Lounge as well as driveway and car park if necessary

    • Perform daily administrative works, reception duties etc.

    • Establish and maintain effective working relationship with cross departments for overall smooth operations

    • Perform ad hoc duties as assigned by superior

    • Diploma holder, preferably in Hotel and Management Studies, with 2 years or above experience, preferably in VIP lounge / CS / Guest Relations field

    • OR Certificate holder, preferably in Hotel and Management Studies, with 4 years or above experience, preferably in VIP lounge / CS / Guest Relations field

    • Pleasant, courteous, efficient , willing to serve and well groomed appearance with cheerful personality

    • Good communication, interpersonal and leadership skills

    • Good command of both spoken and written English / Chinese

    • Holder of valid HK Driving License No. 1, 2 with clean driving record is a plus

    • Shift duty is required

    • Fresh graduates are also welcomed

  • Aircraft Line Service Technician
    Benefit Highlights(terms and conditions apply)
    • $10,000 one-off new join bonus for eligible HK driving license code 18/19 holder

    • $1,200 monthly allowance for eligible HK driving license code 19 holder

    • Up to $20,000 sponsorship for obtaining HK driving license code 18/19

    • Monthly salary up to $27,000 (including basic salary, OT & all other allowances)


    Job Duties:
    • Provide aircraft arrival / departure routine services

    • Handle aircraft towing in both apron and hangar, lavatory service, potable water supply service, luggage handling, external power supply and ground equipment, and assist hydrant dispenser refueling operations

    • Perform daily inspection and routine check on Ground Service Equipment

    • Provide driving support for operational needs.

    • Act as headset man and perform walk around check of inbound and outbound flight movements

    • Handle aircraft fueling operations and associated documentations and records

    • Responsible for basic data input in HKBAC system

    • Perform other duties as assigned by Superior


    • Form 5 or above with minimum 2 years’ relevant experience

    • Holder of valid HK Driving License No.1 & 2 with clean driving record; holder of code 18 /19 is an advantage

    • Good command of both spoken and written English and Chinese

    • Shift duty is required (morning, afternoon & overnight shift)

    • Candidate with more experience will be considered as Senior Line Service Technician

    福利重點 (受條款及細則約束)
    • 特設$10,000新人奬金 (持有有效香港駕駛執照第18/19類)

    • 每月$1,200車牌津貼 (持有有效香港駕駛執照第19類)

    • 高達$20,000培訓資助以考取香港駕駛執照第18/19類

    • 薪金可達$27,000 (包括底薪、加班津貼及其他津貼)

    職責 :
    • 為抵港/離港航班提供服務

    • 於停機坪和機庫執行飛機停泊調動、拖行和引領工作

    • 按運作需要提供駕駛支援

    • 負責為飛機加油、補充食水、裝卸行李和操作地勤設備

    • 為飛機進行基本檢查包括耳機通訊對話及飛機機身損壞檢查

    • 記錄輸入燃料數量及處理文書工作

    • 執行其他被指派職務

    入職要求 :
    • 中五或以上程度及兩年相關工作經驗

    • 必須持有效香港駕駛執照第1, 2類及良好駕駛紀錄;另持有第18, 19類更佳

    • 能操簡單英語及普通話

    • 需輪班工作 (早、中及通宵班)

    • 經驗較多者將被考慮為高級航線服務技術員

  • Assistant Manager – Commercial
    Job Duties:
    • Assist Senior Manager on development and capture of new business to reach Department targets and company KPI’s

    • Collaborate with the internal team members and external business partners, including Charter Operators, Charter Brokers, Flight Agents, and other FBOs, etc. to develop business solution and increase sales/revenue

    • Attend client’s visit and on-site support to provide updates on services in order to enhance sales opportunities and facilitate sales

    • Preparation of business proposal, data analysis and report generations

    • Assist in development and implementation of marketing strategies for branding and promoting business with target to increase business sales

    • Perform ad hoc duties as assigned


    • Bachelor’s degree preferably in Business Administration, Marketing, or equivalent

    • At least 5 years’ relevant working experience

    • Good interpersonal, communication and analytical skills

    • Proficient in MS Office; and familiarity with graphic design tools, such as Photoshop, InDesign, etc. will be an advantage

    • Self-motivated, fast-learning, resilient with positive attitude

    • Good command of both spoken and written English / Chinese, including Mandarin

  • Assistant Manager – Human Resources
    Job Duties:
    • Act as an HR business partner for the responsible business functions, offering professional People advice to managers to align business objectives, organize and coordinate employee engagement initiatives, and staff communication programs, etc.

    • Assist in overseeing the employee journey from onboarding to engagement, communication, performance management, talent development, and retention management.

    • Advise managers on various staff issues such as performance management, career counseling, conflict resolution, and disciplinary handling in a manner that is smooth and efficient, aligned with the Company’s Policies & Procedures, and relevant regulatory and legal requirements.

    • Serve as the primary point of contact for employees on all People-related matters such as employment terms and benefits, policy interpretation, performance management, career counseling, and employee relationships.

    • Support the business in the annual budget and headcount planning exercises, organizational and team structure planning, and any special workforce initiatives to meet evolving business needs.

    • Support to steer the annual performance review exercise, promotion discussions, salary reviews, and reward processes.

    • Support recruitment needs for experienced hires and young talents through various young talent programs.

    • Collaborate closely with the Business heads and stakeholders to support learning needs analysis and long-term talent pipeline and retention strategies.

    • Enhance the company’s values and culture change, ensuring that our Vision and Key Strategies are effectively understood across all employee levels.

    • Encourage participation in the annual employee engagement survey to collect engagement feedback and execute end-to-end action planning and implementation, including result communication, data analysis, focus group discussions, follow-up actions, and regular checkpoints, etc.

    • Propose employee engagement initiatives and execute engagement activities, participating in initiatives such as culture transformation, employee experience enhancement, and wellness, etc.

    • Use data analytics to provide insights on trends, potential areas for concern, and create and inform sound solutions.

    • Participate and drive HR-related projects and ad-hoc duties as assigned.


    • Degree or above in Human Resources Management or a related discipline.

    • Minimum of 5 years of experience in a sizable and multicultural fast-paced environment.

    • Prior experience the Aviation industry is a strong advantage.

    • Ability to communicate with and influence key business stakeholders on various complex and challenging HR matters, able to identify and provide sound solutions.

    • Well-versed in Hong Kong employment-related legislation.

    • Strong Microsoft Office skills, particularly in Excel and PowerPoint.


    Desirable Qualities:
    • Ability to work effectively as part of a team, take ownership, and proactively contribute ideas, views, and recommendations.

    • Exceptional interpersonal and communication skills and the ability to influence and tactfully deal with all types of people and complex employee relations issues.

    • High integrity with an ability to work discretely and sensitively in complex and ambiguous environments.

    • A highly motivated self-starter, able to work autonomously in a fast-paced environment with minimum supervision.

    • Highly organized with excellent planning skills and detail-oriented with an ability to meet tight deadlines.

    • A flexible, pro-active, and collaborative approach to problem solving and team working, with an ability to gain acceptance from challenging stakeholders.

    • Embracing the cultural diversity and sensitivity of all colleagues and the ability to understand and respect different perspectives with an open mindset.

    • Good command of spoken and written English and Chinese.

  • Officer – Integrated Service Centre
    Job Duties:
    • Perform customer services duties at landside and airside such as meet and greet guests, visitors, passengers and crew, handle VIP flights, check-in services, assisting departing & arriving for passenger and crew members

    • Ensure all services are handled professionally and comply with handling guidelines and regulatory requirements

    • Perform daily administrative duties such as handling counter service, answering phone call, handling emails, filing and updating documents

    • Perform safe and professional driving duties for guests and crew members. Shuttle personnel to designated locations at airside/landside to support daily operations (*it is applicable to staff possessing driving license only)

    • Provide loading/unloading services of baggage at the apron when requested by the supervisor

    • Liaise closely and coordinate with aircraft operators and agents, MROs, service providers and airport’s Control Authorities on flight operation and services requirement

    • Plan and arrange ramp services to ensure smooth daily operation

    • Perform ad hoc duties as assigned by Superior

    • Degree holder with at least 1 year’ relevant experience or Diploma holder with at least 3 years’ relevant experience

    • Customer-oriented with good interpersonal skill and serving attitude

    • Initiative, detail-oriented and good team player

    • Good command of both spoken and written English / Chinese

    • Holder of valid HK Driving License No. 1, 2 with clean driving record is a plus

    • Shift duty is required



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